Have you attended childbirth classes?
Would you like any photos or videos taken during the birth?
Would you like to take the placenta home?
Are you working with supporting care providers?
Would you feel comfortable with non-medicated comfort measures such as TENS machines, Robozo, hydrotherapy, or sterile water injections?
Would you feel comfortable with the use of nitrous oxide?
Would you feel comfortable with the use of narcotics such as morphine/ fentanyl?
Would you feel comfortable with the use of an epidural?
Are you open to students and residence in your birth space?
Do you want to touch the baby's head while it is emerging?
Are you comfortable with your care provider breaking your bag of water?
Do you want your partner to cut the umbilical cord?
Do you want to do delayed cord clamping?
Do you want the baby to receive erythromycin gel in the eyes after birth?
Do you want the baby to receive a vitamin K injection after birth?
How are you planning on feeding your baby?